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ARCHIVE - Old Testament
We've moved some of our resources from earlier in Lockdown here so that you can see them arranged by topic. If you can't find what you're looking for do get in touch .
Old Testament Patriarchs - Abraham to Joseph
Moses and Joshua
The Time of Judges
Joshua to Judges -
Judges 4
Deborah & Jael
Judges 6
Gideon called by God
Judges 7
Gideon defeats the Midianites
Judges 13-14
Samson and the riddle
Judges 16
Samson and Delilah
The story of Ruth
Ruth marries Boaz
Ruth 4
Ruth and Boaz
Ruth 3
Ruth in the Field
Ruth 2
Ruth and Naomi
A Bible Month mini pack
The story of Daniel
A complete set of Together at Home Sunday packs
Solomon asks for wisdom
The Splendour of Solomon
Solomon dedicates the temple
The Kingdom Divided
1 Kings 11
Solomon's book about the world
Solomon's book about love
Solomon's book of wise sayings
David and Bathsheba
David mourns the death of Absalom
Nathan rebukes David
God's promise to David
Dancing King David
David and Goliath
David and Mephibosheth
Samuel anoints David
David mourns Saul
David on the run
God's people ask for a King
David and Jonathan
1 Samuel 18-20
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